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HSUS Korean Meat Market Rescue Dogs


Please fill out the the adoption application if you want to adopt.


We have VERY limited staffing to answer calls and receive hundreds of calls a day, including emergency calls.  Please email us with questions instead of calling:


Thank you for your patience.

text HES to 89871 to give

The Story










CHATTANOOGA, TN - Humane Educational Society (HES) is preparing for the arrival of 10 dogs from a closed Korean dog meat farm. Staff are en route to Maryland and will return Thursday evening with 10 of the dogs. Nearly 200 dogs and puppies rescued from South Korea were flown to the United States for placement with partner agencies. HES readily answered the call.


After arrival, HES staff and volunteers will assess the animals and place them directly in foster homes. Each dog will receive medical care and behavioral evaluation in preparation for adoption. 


HES expects a large public demand for these dogs, and will conduct a thorough screening process of potential adopters so that they will each be placed in homes suited for their individual needs. Applications are being accepted at We will start calling applicants before the weekend.


Read the full press release here:

Humane Society International Article


SEOUL―Seventy-three year old Mr Yang in South Korea’s Chungcheong province has become the latest dog meat farmer in the country to join Humane Society International/Korea’s Models for Change program as part of the charity’s efforts to end the dog meat industry. Through working with HSI/Korea, Mr Yang is leaving dog meat farming behind him and transitioning to growing cabbages and other crops instead. The nearly 200 dogs and puppies on his farm, who were destined for slaughter, will instead be transported to the United States and Canada where they will begin their search for adoptive families.


As South Korea contemplates a dog meat ban, charity closes its 18th dog meat farm and flies dogs to United States to seek adoption



Like you, our hearts are shattered reading about the devastation inflicted on dogs in the Korean meat market.

Staff are traveling to Maryland to retrieve ten dogs rescued by HSUS from a Korean meat market that will receive any necessary rehabilitation and be available for adoption. We will help as our capacity for care allows!  They will arrive at the shelter late Thursday night.


Our rescue, transport, and special needs work is 100% donation-funded. 

The shelter’s rescue efforts for these dogs, as well as lifesaving work for other special needs animals such as medical treatment, behavioral rehab, extended rehabilitation stays, is 100% donation funded. We absolutely need resources to care for these dogs and so many more animals.


text HES to 89871 to give


We need you now! We have extremely limited staffing and rely on our amazing volunteers to help with the work that goes into saving lives. Time is a gift like no other to animals who can't help themselves into better lives.


Fosters open their hearts and homes to animals in need.


A foster home is almost always a better environment than the shelter for any animal. Most of all, animals who need medical or behavior special care, or animals that are very scared in the shelter benefit from a foster. 






Help us spread awareness for animals in need.


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Local shelter pets may not be grabbing national headlines, but they deserve love and happiness, too.

If you aren't one of the lucky 10 applications to get a Korean market rescue, consider a shelter dog.

Some animals have been in the shelter for over 6 months. That's a long time to spend waiting for someone to choose you! 

ADOPT A RESCUE Korean meat market dog

Applications are now being accepted!


Please note:

  • You MUST fill out the HSUS Korean Rescue Dog Adoption Application in order to adopt one of these dogs, not the application on our main page

  • If you submitted an application on our main page already, you will still be asked to fill out the HSUS Korean Rescue Dog Adoption Application

  • We do not currently know when we will be able to start placing dogs with adopters.

  • Please be patient as we have limited staff to respond to a large volume of requests. 

  • Applications are NOT holds, and no holds will be placed based on application submission.


Please consider:

  • We will not have specific information - age, sex, medical status, special needs, personalities, etc -  until we pick up the dogs and assess them.

  • The number of adoption inquiries outnumber the dogs HES is taking. We do not have a Korean rescue dog for every person that wants one.

  • Sometimes, dogs that have been kept in small cages and neglected have special behavior and medical needs.

Adopt Anchor


Learn more about Korean meat markets and how you can make a difference in the world:


Closing South Korea Dog Meat Farms:


Speak out against the cruel dog and cat meat trade


Consider a vegan lifestyle:

Why vegan? Veganism, the natural extension of vegetarianism, is an integral component of a true cruelty-free lifestyle. Living vegan provides numerous benefits to animals’ lives, to the environment, and to our own health–through a healthy diet and lifestyle.





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You help make our programs successful!

Be the reason a pet's life is enriched


Tue - Sat:  12pm - 5pm

Sun:  Adoptions Only

12pm - 4pm



ADDRESS        [Google Map]

4155 Randolph Circle  

Chattanooga, TN 37406



© 2024 by Humane Educational Society

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