Art Camp Policies
COVID-19 Humane Education Program Policies
On-site screening at drop-off
· Parents will sign campers in each morning. This signature will certify that your camper(s) are covid-19 and covid-19 symptom free.
Participant does not feel well during the program
· In the event a participant does not feel well during the program, the guardian will be called to pick up the participant early.
· If a participant shows any of the following symptoms, they will not be allowed to return to the program until all symptoms have subsided:
o Fever or chills
o Cough
o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
o Fatigue
o Muscle or body aches
o Headache
o New loss of taste or smell
o Sore throat
o Congestion or runny nose
o Nausea or vomiting
o Diarrhea
We will be following CDC and Hamilton County guidelines for quarantine if a camper or camp staff member tests positive for covid-19.
Questions? If you have questions about these policies, please contact us at 423-624-5302 x228
Cancellation policy
All cancellations must be in writing via our contact form found on the event webpage
Cancellations made 7 days or more prior to the start of the camp session will be refunded, minus a $25 administration fee, for each registration.
Cancellations made less than 7 days prior to the start of the camp session will not be refunded.
If a camp is canceled by HES, all registration fees will be refunded in full.
Time with shelter animals
Campers will have at least one animal encounter, but shouldn't expect to spend significant time with animals during art camp.
Participant behavior
While at our programs, all participants are expected to treat other participants, HES staff, and animals with respect and compassion. Behavior guidelines will be reviewed with participants. Children and adults who are consistently unable to follow these guidelines may be asked to leave or may be dismissed for the remainder of the session. No refunds will be available to campers who are dismissed for behavioral reasons.
We have zero tolerance regarding fighting or bullying. The use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Violation of these policies is grounds for immediate dismissal from camp. No refunds will be available to campers who are dismissed for a violation of these policies.
Camper cell phone use
Campers who bring cell phones with them to camp may only use their phones to contact parents in the case of an emergency. Calling or texting during activities will not be permitted.
Camp program FAQs
Please review our list of frequently asked questions. If you have questions that are not answered on this page, please contact us at 423-624-5302x228 or jeaninecloyd@heschatt.org
How will I know my registration is complete?
A registration confirmation email will be sent to the email address you used to register your child. (Please check your spam folder if you don't receive a confirmation message shortly after completing registration).
What grade level should I register my child for?
Please register your child for the grade they are currently in.
Camp activities are tailored to grade levels. Making exceptions to our grade level groupings poses challenges for campers and staff. To maintain the best camp experience for everyone, we do not make exceptions to the camp grade levels.
All the sessions for my child's age group are full. Will you be adding more camp sessions?
Unfortunately, we do not have the available space or additional staff required to offer additional camp sessions.
What's included in the camp registration fee?
Your camp registration fee includes all materials, activities and a snack. Campers are required to bring their own water bottle.
My child would like to attend camp with a friend. Will they always be grouped together?
Each camp day includes activities for the full group (15 campers). Campers who attend with friends will have plenty of opportunities to be together, but we cannot guarantee they will participate in every activity together.
I don't have a credit card, or would prefer to pay with a check. Can I register by mail?
If you would like to check availability by phone and then pay in person, please call our Education Manager at 423-624-5302x228. Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registrations will not be processed until payment is received. We cannot hold spaces without full payment.
Can I drop my child off early, or pick them up late after camp?
We do not offer extended care at our shelter. Campers must be checked in with a parent or guardian shortly before 9am and are expected to be picked up promptly at 1pm.
Where do I bring my child for camp?
Campers should enter through our Education Center door to the left of our main adoption entrance. Our Shelter does not open to the public until 12pm daily, however, camp staff will open the doors to greet arriving campers at 8:45am. All campers must be signed in and out by a parent or caregiver each day.
What does my child need to wear and what should they bring with them when they come to camp each day?
Art can be messy. Please dress your camper in clothing that you don’t mind a little paint on.
Athletic shoes or other shoes with closed toes are required. For safety reasons, children wearing sandals or Crocs may not be allowed to participate in all activities.
Bring a water bottle!
We discourage all participants from bringing anything of value with them to camp. This includes money, toys, cell phones, etc. The Humane Educational Society is not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen items. Please label all personal items with your child's name.